Alex Grange

Age: 21 years old male


Patient's Data

Patient’s name: Alex Grange

Age: 21 years old male

Past medical history

  • Nil

Drug history and Allergies

  • Nil

Recent notes/consultation

  • Nil

Patient booked routine appointment to discuss concerns

Patient's Information

You are Alex grange, a 21-year-old male. You have noticed burning sensation when you pass urine and getting a bit of discomfort around your penis.

This has been ongoing for last 3 days. ONLY SAY BELOW IF ASKED.

You had unprotected sex 10 days ago with a new partner you met on a dating site (Only volunteer this if asked).

You are otherwise well. SAY NO TO ANY OTHER SYMPTOMS ASKED

Social history: you do not smoke or drink alcohol or use illicit drugs. You work as a Software developer

Ideas- You suspect a urine infection

Expectations: You need antibiotics

Questions for the doctor

If you are asked to come in for a face-to-face consultation or drop in a urine sample;

inform the doctor that you cannot come in and that You are due to travel to Dubai for an important tech meeting for your Job in the next 30mins and you are currently on your way to the airport. You will be back from Dubai in 2 weeks’ time.