Lucas Adamson

Age: 1 year, 7-month-old male


Recent notes / Consultation

Seen by Dr. Mohammed Shahid (Clinical practitioner role) – 6 weeks ago

History: Recurrent sore throat- 4 episodes in last 6 months

On examination– erythematous tonsils with white spots

Management: treat as tonsillitis with pen v. safety netting and worsening advice given.

Seen by Ms. Lucy Henderson (Pediatric Nurse practitioner role) – 5 weeks ago

History: Mum Reports recurrent loose stools associated with weight loss for last 14 months after introducing solid foods at 6 months of age. Mum thinks child maybe allergic to a type of food but unsure what food it is. No red flags or anaphylaxis symptoms. Patient is up to date with his immunization.

On examination; normal vitals, does not look dehydrated Weight today: 9.5kg. Weight plotted on growth chart is between 0.4 and 2nd centile (Birth weight 3kg)

Plan: Mum to keep food diary to find possible allergy. Advised to get annual flu vaccine. Weight to be measured again in 4weeks’ time Worsening advice given.