From everything you’ve described, it does sound like she may be having another episode of vaginal thrush. While thrush isn’t very common in girls her age, it can happen, especially if certain factors are at play—like using soaps or douching, which can disrupt the natural balance of bacteria and yeast in that area. If Anastasia has been using scented soaps or tight clothing, that could also contribute. However, because this is her third episode in a few months, I think it’s important that we investigate further to ensure we aren’t missing anything else. We’ll do a swab to confirm that it is Candida, the type of yeast that causes thrush, and also check for other potential underlying causes, such as her blood sugar levels to rule out diabetes, as well as her iron levels, since low iron can sometimes make her more prone to infections. In the meantime, we can start her on treatment to relieve her current symptoms and provide some advice to prevent future episodes. For example, avoiding scented soaps, wearing loose cotton underwear, and ensuring good hygiene habits without over washing, drying properly after washing can help.